Easy To Avoid Mesothelioma

Posted on Thursday, December 13, 2007 by Simonphoenix

By: Janie Jenkins

It is known that mesothelioma is caused by breathing asbestos fibers into the lungs. When this happens, the lungs or the abdomen may be affected by the disease. Because asbestos is so strongly linked to mesothelioma, regulations have been created to set limits on the amount of exposure to asbestos a worker can have in a workplace.

People who must work around asbestos because of the nature of their work must wear protective clothing. Occasionally a family member may develop mesothelioma as a result of breathing the fibers that may remain on the clothing when the worker returns home from work. to avoid this, if you work around asbestos it would be wise to have a clean change of clothes to wear home. Never allow the fibers to get in your car.

It has also been known to occur that people working around asbestos do not acquire the disease. Many people have resilient genes that seem to fend off diseases such as mesothelioma. As we never know what our body can handle or not handle regarding health issues it is important to take precautions as if . . .

When working around asbestos treat yourself with protection as if your child's life depends on it. Refuse to take chances knowing you may carry home the very fiber that your child or spouse may breathe causing suffering as well as opening the door to the possibility of an early disease related death.

Watch for signs of mesothelioma to get early treatment. Symptoms may include weight loss and abdominal pain. Other signs the doctor will watch for are bowel obstruction, blood clotting, anemia and fever. As these symptoms can represent other illnesses, be sure to have your doctor make the diagnosis.

Article Source: http://www.content.onlypunjab.com

Janie Jenkins is the "Easy To Do" instruction expert. Discover how easy it is to do what seemed like your most complicated ambition. Mesothelioma and Health



very nice and informative blog.